Hi, my name is Nicholas. The aim of this blog is a record of my homeschooled day.

Monday 7 April 2014

A world without love

Imagine a world with out love; I can't but think  the world would be a terrible  place to live in, because without love  no one will care about any one else and the earth will be corrupt; with family turning on family, country turning on country.  People wouldn't care if they killed and sin will be all around us and when we die, we will go to hell, because without love their is no faith and if there's no faith, then we do not believe in our God, thus meaning we will go to hell and our souls will burn their for eternity, if there was no love.                                        

In 1 Corinthians13 talks about how we are nothing without love; if you have faith that can move a mountain but without love you have nothing.

Suppose you give everything thing you have to the poor people. And suppose you give your body to be burned. If you don't have love, you've got nothing.

And then Corinthians goes on to talk about what love is. Love is patient, is kind, it does not want what belongs to others. It does not brag. It is not proud. It is not rude. It does not look out for its own interest. It does not easily become angry. It does not keep track of another's faults.

So in a world without love then we will not be patient, or kind, and we will want to take what does not belong to us, we will always be angry, we will brag, we will be rude and we will be disrespectful to others and will keep track of other's faults.

So no, I don't want to imagine a world where every one is always angry and cruel, and rude all the time. There will be war because country's wouldn't care about people.  People will murder each other in broad daylight and others wouldn't care, people will destroy the land tear down buildings and set fire to things, everyone will be stealing whatever they want. People will beat up others that are weaker than them, people wouldn't care about growing or making or hunting food for others so the poverty of the world will be great.
Basically a world without love would turn us into barbarian animals.

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